Three Days of Fiber Workshops! (Facebook) An in house lunch to benefit Soldiers Memorial Library of Hiram will be available
Workshops Instructors Workshops-by-Instructor Schedule Lodging Lunch and Restaurants Directions Registration Information Registration Form Contact Links
Toward this end we invite you to join us in June for a weekend of fiber workshops before the bustle of summer activities takes you in other directions. Come enjoy the beauty of the Lakes Region while you learn new techniques and make new friendships. Workshops are varied and class size is small enabling you to immerse yourself in fiber pursuits each day under the guidance of knowledgeable instructors. We hope you will come for the whole weekend. Take one workshop each day or come for one workshop and some rest and relaxation in a lovely setting. Bring your fiber friends. We have included some recommendations for lodging and meals. Workshops will be held in the Denmark Municipal Building, the Denmark Congregational Church and the Denmark Public Library. We are extremely grateful to the town, church and library for making their space available for these classes. Denmark also has roads that lead you to wide open vistas of Pleasant Mountain, Chocorua and the White Mountains and beyond. The town is an hour west of Portland and only one half hour from North Conway in New Hampshire. Organized by Linda Whiting