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Instructor Biographies
Ida Atkinson has been a basket case for over twenty years! Starting with the 100+ Carolina Stars as wedding favors at her own wedding, Ida progressed through classes offered at adult ed programs until she became the adult ed basket instructor in several area programs. A former elementary teacher, she has a passion for making learning fun. Come join the fun and soon you will also be mumbling, “ Under, over, under, over…..” in your sleep. idaandgary@fairpoint.net
Janet Conner is an avid rug hooker who has been pulling loops since 1979. Graduating from Moore College of Art in Philadelphia, she spent 30 years teaching Elementary Art in southern Maine, while raising a busy family. After retirement in 2005, Janet was able to work at rug hooking and fiber arts full time, launching her web based business, which offers a line of her own patterns as well as rug hooking supplies and equipment, books, and natural dye recipe cards. She teaches fiber arts in her home state of Maine and throughout the East Coast plus Bermuda and Canada, with a specific focus on art history and the inspiration found in both fine art and folk art. In addition to rug hooking, she also teaches punch needle, proddy, and penny rug techniques. Twenty-five years of studying and repairing antique rugs has influenced Janet’s love of old fashioned methods and timeless motifs. She has contributed chapters on cleaning and repair of antique rugs to Rug Hooking Magazine’s book Finishing Hooked Rugs. She co-authored Rug Hooking Traditions with James & Mercedes Hutchinson, which debuts with the Hutchinson Exhibit, in August of 2016. Janet’s rugs have appeared in Celebration of Hand-Hooked Rugs XXII, Rug Hooking Magazine, Hooked Rugs Today 2004 & 2006, and galleries throughout New England. Her greatest joy is to foster the success of her students; many of whom have made rugs in her classes that have been featured in Rug Hooking Magazine. www.jconnerhookedrugs.com
Mary DeLano is a ‘multi-lingual’ fiber artist. She mixes techniques and materials across the fiber arts to create magnificent, one-of-a-kind pieces. Mary has a unique perspective that gives her the freedom to venture into uncharted territories and take her students along for the ride. Mary devotes most of her time to a variety of needlework techniques. She is a big fan of Sue Spargo, having taken two long workshops from her and sewn one of her larger appliqué quilts. Mary teaches an open embroidery class at Camp Wool in Kennebunk, Maine once a month where she teaches students new stitches to incorporate into their penny rugs and wool quilts. Mary also teaches at Fiber College in Searsport, Maine, at Pleasant Mountain Fiber Arts in Denmark, Maine, and at many local fiber shops. www.marydelanofiberart.com
Kim Durkee has been working with fabrics since she was 10 years old: making drapes, bedspreads, wedding dresses, quilts, and all types of clothing. In 2009 she learned how to braid rugs from Barbara Fisher, a master fiber artist in rug braiding. Since then, her passion for rug braiding has grown immensely. Kim has made several rugs, totes, and trivets. She is now dabbling in braiding rugs with roving. She teaches braiding from her home in Solon, ME. as well. kdurkee917@aol.com
Kathleen Goddu lives and creates her art in Brunswick, Me. She has been practicing the fabric arts of shibori and sashiko for almost two decades, and shows her work locally amidst the vibrant Maine art scene. Her work illustrates a love of nature she gained as a child growing up near Little Sebago Lake. With a degree in art and speech pathology Kathleen spent most of her 24-year career helping others find their voice. In 2000, she discovered a calling to express her own through Japanese textile art forms. Kathleen hosts workshops when she can, teaching and sharing her love of shibori and sashiko. www.kathleengoddu.com
Kathleen Hawthorne learned to knit from her grandmother; as young adult, Kathleen has enjoyed delving deeper into fiber arts. Creating knit items which she sold through local shops, the world of wool fiber opened up to her through fellowship with other wool crafters and local wool farmers. Learning to spin and participating in local agricultural events added much more meaning to what yarn and crafting with wool was all about. In 2000 she began dyeing wool and providing other felters and spinners with colorful combed top, batts and curls. Dyeing, creating and selling her wool products has become a passion along with sharing this miracle fiber with others. wooliswhy.etsy.com wooliswhy@gmail.com Betsey Leslie is a fiber artist , teacher and native Mainer who has been perfecting her craft over the last 37 yrs. She loves teaching the basic skills that allow someone to explore their own creativity! Betsey taught fiber arts at Fiddlehead Center of Arts and Sciences . Currently she is teaching workshops year round, virtually and in person, at the Shaker Village in New Gloucester Maine. She works daily at her studio and is open by appointment and offers private lessons. She sells fiber art supplies, spinning wheels, carders, wooden knitting needles ,dyes and wools. Anna Low - Anna’s formal education is in photography and art education, with a BA from Hampshire College, a year studying at Speós - The Paris Photographic Institute, and a MA in Art Education from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. After many years of teaching, first in the Chicago Public School System and then running an art department at a private school in Rhode Island, she made the leap to full time artist. She now focuses her energies on bookbinding and is the creator behind Purplebean Bindery, a business focused on creating unique, durable and inspiring blank journals. To satisfy her endless creative itch, she makes artists books using a variety of printmaking and photographic processes. She teaches workshops in bookbinding, including at Maine Media Workshops, USM’s summer books arts program, and Haystack Mountain School of Craft. Her photographs and artist books have been exhibited throughout New England and published in several periodicals, including Maine Magazine. Her home studio is bright and sunny, in Auburn, Maine. . Visit her website at www.purplebeanbindery.com Elizabeth Miller is a fiber artist,
writer, and instructor in the Western Lakes & Mountains region of Maine. Her
primary sources of inspiration are the natural environment and matters of
being human, including love, motherhood, trauma, and grief. Her western
Maine village homestead keeps her occupied with gardening, beekeeping,
chicken keeping, and many things fiber. Lucie Sinkler is a former owner of CloseKnit Yarn store in Evanston, IL, where she taught classes and helped customers knit and crochet many projects. She moved to Sandwich, NH in 2021. Since then she has added spinning and weaving using local fibers to her range of crafts.
Karen Smith is the owner of Shearbrooke Farm in Standish, ME where she raises sheep, angora rabbits, a llama and pygora goats, chickens and a few guinea hens. She is a former elementary school teacher and librarian who has been teaching weaving for twenty-five years. She hosted the Saco Valley Fiber Artists Summer Workshops at her farm for twenty years. She has enjoys traveling and has ties with weavers in Guatemala. shearbrooke@roadrunner.com
Linda Whiting grew up in a family of “makers” and has worked in a variety of mediums, but her love of color brought her back to fiber. Her special interests are dyeing and tapestry weaving, but include many others. She enjoys gathering inspiration from her photography and loves learning new techniques and passing them along to others through workshops, fairs and fiber events. She is the director of the Pleasant Mountain Fiber Arts Workshops held each year in June and participates in fiber events throughout New England. www.pinestarstudio.com pinestarlinda@fairpoint.net
Conni Whittaker is an avid learner and enthusiast of all things creative and crafty. Her obsession of the decade is a zero waste policy to use every bit of fiber that enters her fiber studio. While Conni has a considerable stash of new fabrics, she feels most creatively free when using upcycled fabrics and fibers. Never one to let fear of failure stand in her way, she is currently learning to spin. This fourth class proved to be the charm. She has attended PMFAW for over 10 years as a student and instructor (pottery buttons) and has continued to build on skills and experiences obtained: eco printing, shibori, needle and wet felting, bookmaking, knitting to name a few. Conni is a firm believer in having multiple projects in process at all times to stave off the panic of idle hands. She and her husband, Bob, and 2 cats currently live in Belfast, Maine.
Marcy Young is a Rug Maker. Her interests have included Traditional Rug Hooking, Penny Rugs, Twined, Proddy, Braided, Locker Hooked and her favorite, Oxford Punch Needle Rugs. She has upcycled, recycled and used many textiles for her rugs, but mostly enjoys using traditional wool and natural fibers. Marcy started her Rug Making journey when she found a hook while cleaning her in-laws home. She soon learned her own grandmother and great grandmother were rugmakers and she inherited those rugs, frames, hooks and inspirations from her mother. Her greatest interest is Oxford Punch Needle and she is a Certified Oxford Punch Needle Rug Hooking Teacher 2018. She teaches Oxford punch needle, Locker hooking, Quilly rugs and Traditional Proddy rugs. Marcy is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, has worked as Oncology RN for almost 35 years, is an Army Veteran, and now enjoys her rug making. She loves the peace and satisfaction of completing a useful rug project. She hopes to inspire others with lovely yarns and fibers and creative rug making.